Collaboration diagram for Smoothers:


class  DICSmoother
 Simplified diagonal-based incomplete Cholesky smoother for symmetric matrices. More...
class  DICGaussSeidelSmoother
 Combined DIC/GaussSeidel smoother for symmetric matrices in which DIC smoothing is followed by GaussSeidel to ensure that any "spikes" created by the DIC sweeps are smoothed-out. More...
class  DILUSmoother
 Simplified diagonal-based incomplete LU smoother for asymmetric matrices. More...
class  GaussSeidelSmoother
 A lduMatrix::smoother for Gauss-Seidel. More...
class  nonBlockingGaussSeidelSmoother
 Variant of gaussSeidelSmoother that expects processor boundary cells to be sorted last and so can block later. Only when the cells are actually visited does it need the results to be present. It is expected that there is little benefit to be gained from doing this on a patch by patch basis since the number of processor interfaces is quite small and the overhead of checking whether a processor interface is finished might be quite high (call into mpi). Also this would require a dynamic memory allocation to store the state of the outstanding requests. More...
class  symGaussSeidelSmoother
 A lduMatrix::smoother for symmetric Gauss-Seidel. More...

Detailed Description

This group contains matrix smoothers