reconstructionSchemes::interface Member List

This is the complete list of members for reconstructionSchemes::interface, including all inherited members.

addZones(const UList< surfZone > &, const bool cullEmpty=false)MeshedSurface< face >virtual
addZones(const labelUList &sizes, const UList< word > &names, const bool cullEmpty=false)MeshedSurface< face >virtual
addZones(const labelUList &sizes, const bool cullEmpty=false)MeshedSurface< face >virtual
addZonesToFaces()MeshedSurface< face >
addZonesToFaces()MeshedSurface< face >
addZonesToFaces()MeshedSurface< face >
append(const face &val)List< face >inline
append(face &&val)List< face >inline
append(const UList< face > &list)List< face >inline
append(const IndirectListBase< face, Addr > &list)List< face >inline
appendUniq(const face &val)List< face >inline
back()UList< face >inline
back() constUList< face >inline
begin() noexceptUList< face >inline
begin(const label i) noexceptUList< face >inline
begin() const noexceptUList< face >inline
begin(const label i) const noexceptUList< face >inline
boundaryEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
boundaryFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
boundaryPoints() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
box() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
byteSize() constUList< face >
canRead(const fileName &name, bool verbose=false)MeshedSurface< face >static
canReadType(const word &fileType, bool verbose=false)MeshedSurface< face >static
canWriteType(const word &fileType, bool verbose=false)MeshedSurface< face >static
cbegin() const noexceptUList< face >inline
cbegin(const label i) const noexceptUList< face >inline
cdata() const noexceptUList< face >inline
cdata_bytes() const noexceptUList< face >inline
cend() const noexceptUList< face >inline
Cf() constMeshedSurface< face >inline
checkFaces(const bool verbose=false)MeshedSurface< face >virtual
checkFile(const IOobject &io, const bool isGlobal=true)surfaceFormatsCoreprotectedstatic
checkFile(const IOobject &io, const dictionary &dict, const bool isGlobal=true)surfaceFormatsCoreprotectedstatic
checkIndex(const label i) constUList< face >inline
checkPointManifold(const bool report=false, labelHashSet *pointSetPtr=nullptr) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
checkRange(const label start, const label len) constUList< face >inline
checkSize(const label size) constUList< face >inline
checkStart(const label start) constUList< face >inline
checkSupport(const wordHashSet &available, const word &fileType, const bool verbose=false, const char *functionName=nullptr)surfaceFormatsCorestatic
checkTopology(const bool report=false, labelHashSet *pointSetPtr=nullptr) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
checkZones(const bool verbose=true)MeshedSurface< face >protected
ClassName("MeshedSurface")MeshedSurface< face >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::ClassName("PrimitivePatch")PrimitivePatchBase
cleanup(const bool verbose)MeshedSurface< face >virtual
clear()MeshedSurface< face >virtual
clearGeom()PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
clearOut()PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
clearPatchMeshAddr()PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
clearTopology()PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
clone() constList< face >inline
compactPoints(labelList &pointMap=const_cast< labelList & >(labelList::null()))MeshedSurface< face >virtual
const_iterator typedefUList< face >
const_pointer typedefUList< face >
const_reference typedefUList< face >
const_reverse_iterator typedefUList< face >
contains(const face &val, label pos=0) constUList< face >inline
crbegin() constUList< face >inline
crend() constUList< face >inline
data() noexceptUList< face >inline
data_bytes() noexceptUList< face >inline
declareMemberFunctionSelectionTable(void, UnsortedMeshedSurface, write, fileExtension,(const fileName &name, const MeshedSurface< face > &surf, IOstreamOption streamOpt, const dictionary &options),(name, surf, streamOpt, options))MeshedSurface< face >
declareRunTimeSelectionTable(autoPtr, MeshedSurface, fileExtension,(const fileName &name),(name))MeshedSurface< face >
deepCopy(const UList< face > &list)UList< face >
deepCopy(const IndirectListBase< face, Addr > &list)UList< face >
difference_type typedefUList< face >
edgeFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
edgeLoops() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
edges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
emplace_back(Args &&... args)List< face >inline
empty() const noexceptUList< face >inline
end() noexceptUList< face >inline
end() const noexceptUList< face >inline
face_type typedefMeshedSurface< face >
faceAreas() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceCentres() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceIds() constMeshedSurface< face >inline
FaceListType typedefPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
faceNormals() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
FaceType typedefPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
fcIndex(const label i) const noexceptUList< face >inline
fcValue(const label i) constUList< face >inline
fcValue(const label i)UList< face >inline
find(const face &val, label pos=0) constUList< face >
findEdge(const edge &e) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
findFile(const IOobject &io, const bool isGlobal=true)surfaceFormatsCorestatic
findFile(const IOobject &io, const dictionary &dict, const bool isGlobal=true)surfaceFormatsCorestatic
first()UList< face >inline
first() constUList< face >inline
found(const face &val, label pos=0) constUList< face >inline
front()UList< face >inline
front() constUList< face >inline
get(const label i) constUList< face >inline
getLineNoComment(ISstream &is, const char comment='#')surfaceFormatsCoreprotectedstatic
getSelectedPatches(const surfZoneList &patches, const wordRes &allow, const wordRes &deny=wordRes())surfaceFormatsCoreprotectedstatic
hasBoundaryPoints() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasEdgeFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasFaceAreas() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasFaceCentres() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasFaceEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasFaceFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasFaceNormals() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasMeshPointMap() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasMeshPoints() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasPointEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasPointFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
hasPointNormals() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
ILLEGAL enum valuePrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
interface(const pointField &pointLst, const faceList &faceLst, const labelList &meshCells)reconstructionSchemes::interfaceinline
interface(pointField &&pointLst, faceList &&faceLst, labelList &&meshCells)reconstructionSchemes::interfaceinline
internalEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
isInternalEdge(const label edgei) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
iterator typedefUList< face >
last()UList< face >inline
last() constUList< face >inline
List() noexceptList< face >inline
List(const label len)List< face >explicit
List(const label len, const face &val)List< face >
List(const label len, const Foam::zero)List< face >
List(const Foam::one, const face &val)List< face >
List(const Foam::one, face &&val)List< face >
List(const Foam::one, const Foam::zero)List< face >
List(const List< face > &a)List< face >
List(const UList< face > &a)List< face >explicit
List(List< face > &a, bool reuse)List< face >
List(const UList< face > &list, const labelUList &indices)List< face >
List(const UList< face > &list, const FixedList< label, N > &indices)List< face >
List(const FixedList< face, N > &list)List< face >explicit
List(const PtrList< face > &list)List< face >explicit
List(const SLList< face > &list)List< face >explicit
List(const IndirectListBase< face, Addr > &list)List< face >explicit
List(std::initializer_list< face > list)List< face >
List(List< face > &&list)List< face >
List(DynamicList< face, SizeMin > &&list)List< face >
List(SLList< face > &&list)List< face >
List(Istream &is)List< face >
localFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
localPointOrder() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
localPoints() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
magFaceAreas() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
magSf() constMeshedSurface< face >inline
MANIFOLD enum valuePrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
max_size() noexceptUList< face >inlinestatic
meshCells() constreconstructionSchemes::interfaceinline
meshEdge(const label edgei) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
meshEdge(const edge &e) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
meshEdge(const label edgei, const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &pointEdges) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
meshEdges(const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &cellEdges, const labelList &faceCells) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
meshEdges(const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &pointEdges) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
meshEdges(const labelUList &edgeLabels, const edgeList &allEdges, const labelListList &pointEdges) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
MeshedSurface()MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(const MeshedSurface &surf)MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(const UnsortedMeshedSurface< face > &surf)MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(MeshedSurface &&surf)MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(UnsortedMeshedSurface< face > &&surf)MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(const pointField &pointLst, const UList< face > &faceLst, const UList< surfZone > &zoneLst)MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(pointField &&pointLst, List< face > &&faceLst, const UList< surfZone > &zoneLst)MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(const pointField &pointLst, const UList< face > &faceLst, const labelUList &zoneSizes=labelUList(), const UList< word > &zoneNames=UList< word >())MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(pointField &&pointLst, List< face > &&faceLst, const labelUList &zoneSizes=labelUList(), const UList< word > &zoneNames=UList< word >())MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(const polyBoundaryMesh &bMesh, const bool globalPoints=false)MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(const surfMesh &mesh)MeshedSurface< face >explicit
MeshedSurface(const fileName &name)MeshedSurface< face >explicit
MeshedSurface(const fileName &name, const word &fileType)MeshedSurface< face >explicit
MeshedSurface(Istream &is)MeshedSurface< face >explicit
MeshedSurface(const Time &runTime)MeshedSurface< face >explicit
MeshedSurface(const Time &runTime, const word &surfName)MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(const IOobject &io, const dictionary &dict, const bool isGlobal=true)MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(const MeshedSurface< face > &surf)MeshedSurface< face >
MeshedSurface(MeshedSurface< face > &&surf)MeshedSurface< face >
meshPointMap() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
meshPoints() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
moveFirst(const label i)UList< face >
moveLast(const label i)UList< face >
movePoints(const pointField &newPoints)MeshedSurface< face >virtual
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::movePoints(const Field< point_type > &)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >virtual
nBoundaryEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
nEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
New(const fileName &name, const word &fileType, bool mandatory=true)MeshedSurface< face >static
New(const fileName &name)MeshedSurface< face >static
newElmt(const label i)List< face >inline
nFaces() const noexceptPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
nInternalEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
nPoints() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
nTriangles() constMeshedSurface< face >virtual
nTriangles(labelList &faceMap) constMeshedSurface< face >virtual
null()List< face >inlinestatic
oneZone(const Container &container, const word &name="zone0")surfaceFormatsCoreinlineprotectedstatic
OPEN enum valuePrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
operator const Foam::List< face > &() constUList< face >inline
operator MeshedSurfaceProxy< face >() constMeshedSurface< face >
operator!=(const UList< face > &a) constUList< face >
operator<(const UList< face > &list) constUList< face >
operator<=(const UList< face > &a) constUList< face >
operator=(const MeshedSurface< face > &surf)MeshedSurface< face >
operator=(MeshedSurface< face > &&surf)MeshedSurface< face >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::operator=(const PrimitivePatch< ::Foam::List< face >, pointField > &rhs)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::operator=(PrimitivePatch< ::Foam::List< face >, pointField > &&rhs)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
List< face >::operator=(const UList< face > &a)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(const List< face > &list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(const SLList< face > &list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(const IndirectListBase< face, Addr > &list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(const FixedList< face, N > &list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(std::initializer_list< face > list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(const face &val)List< face >inline
List< face >::operator=(const Foam::zero)List< face >inline
List< face >::operator=(List< face > &&list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(DynamicList< face, SizeMin > &&list)List< face >
List< face >::operator=(SLList< face > &&list)List< face >
operator==(const UList< face > &a) constUList< face >
operator>(const UList< face > &a) constUList< face >
operator>=(const UList< face > &a) constUList< face >
operator[](const label i)UList< face >inline
operator[](const label i) constUList< face >inline
operator[](const label i) constUList< face >inline
operator[](const label procID)UList< face >
operator[](const label procID) constUList< face >
operator[](const label procID)UList< face >
operator[](const label procID) constUList< face >
point_type typedefMeshedSurface< face >
pointEdges() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
pointer typedefUList< face >
pointFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
PointFieldType typedefPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
pointNormals() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
points() const noexceptPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
pop_back(label n=1)List< face >inline
PrimitivePatch(const ::Foam::List< face > &faces, const pointField &points)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
PrimitivePatch(::Foam::List< face > &&faces, const pointField &points)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
PrimitivePatch(::Foam::List< face > &faces, pointField &points, const bool reuse)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
PrimitivePatch(const PrimitivePatch< ::Foam::List< face >, pointField > &pp)PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
projectFaceCentres(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< point_type > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm=intersection::FULL_RAY, const intersection::direction=intersection::VECTOR) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
projectFaceCentres(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< typename Foam::PrimitivePatch< ::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::point_type > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm alg, const intersection::direction dir) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
projectPoints(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< point_type > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm=intersection::FULL_RAY, const intersection::direction=intersection::VECTOR) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
projectPoints(const ToPatch &targetPatch, const Field< typename Foam::PrimitivePatch< ::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::point_type > &projectionDirection, const intersection::algorithm alg, const intersection::direction dir) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
push_back(const face &val)List< face >inline
push_back(face &&val)List< face >inline
push_back(const UList< face > &list)List< face >inline
push_back(const IndirectListBase< face, Addr > &list)List< face >inline
push_uniq(const face &val)List< face >inline
rbegin()UList< face >inline
rbegin() constUList< face >inline
rcIndex(const label i) const noexceptUList< face >inline
rcValue(const label i) constUList< face >inline
rcValue(const label i)UList< face >inline
read(const fileName &name, const word &fileType)MeshedSurface< face >
read(const fileName &name)MeshedSurface< face >virtual
readList(Istream &is)List< face >
readList(Istream &is)List< face >
readList(Istream &is)List< face >
readTypes()MeshedSurface< face >static
reference typedefUList< face >
relativeFilePath(const IOobject &io, const fileName &f, const bool isGlobal=true)surfaceFormatsCoreprotectedstatic
releaseGeom()MeshedSurface< face >
remapFaces(const labelUList &faceMapNewToOld)MeshedSurface< face >protectedvirtual
removeZones()MeshedSurface< face >virtual
rend()UList< face >inline
rend() constUList< face >inline
resize(const label len)List< face >inline
resize(const label len, const face &val)List< face >
resize(const label newLen)List< face >inline
resize_nocopy(const label len)List< face >inline
reverse_iterator typedefUList< face >
rfind(const face &val, label pos=-1) constUList< face >
scalePoints(const scalar scaleFactor)MeshedSurface< face >virtual
set(const label i, bool val=true)List< face >inline
setAddressableSize(const label n) noexceptUList< face >inlineprotected
setSize(const label n)List< face >inline
setSize(const label n, const face &val)List< face >inline
Sf() constMeshedSurface< face >inline
shallowCopy(const UList< face > &)=deleteList< face >
size() constMeshedSurface< face >inline
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::size(const label n)UList< face >inlineprotected
size_bytes() const noexceptUList< face >inline
size_type typedefUList< face >
slice(const label pos, label len=-1)UList< face >
slice(const label pos, label len=-1) constUList< face >
slice(const labelRange &range)UList< face >
slice(const labelRange &range) constUList< face >
sortFacesAndStore(DynamicList< face > &unsortedFaces, DynamicList< label > &zoneIds, DynamicList< label > &elemIds, bool sorted)MeshedSurface< face >protected
sphere(const label facei) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
stitchFaces(const scalar tol=SMALL, const bool verbose=false)MeshedSurface< face >virtual
storedFaceIds()MeshedSurface< face >inlineprotected
storedFaces()MeshedSurface< face >inlineprotected
storedPoints()MeshedSurface< face >inlineprotected
storedZones()MeshedSurface< face >inlineprotected
subList typedefList< face >
subsetMesh(const UList< bool > &include, labelList &pointMap, labelList &faceMap) constMeshedSurface< face >
subsetMesh(const bitSet &include, labelList &pointMap, labelList &faceMap) constMeshedSurface< face >
subsetMesh(const UList< bool > &include) constMeshedSurface< face >
subsetMesh(const bitSet &include) constMeshedSurface< face >
subsetMesh(const wordRes &includeNames, const wordRes &excludeNames=wordRes()) constMeshedSurface< face >
subsetMeshMap(const BoolListType &include, labelList &pointMap, labelList &faceMap) constMeshedSurface< face >inline
surfaceTopo enum namePrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
surfaceType(labelHashSet *badEdgesPtr=nullptr) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
surfFaces() constMeshedSurface< face >inline
surfZones() constMeshedSurface< face >inline
swap(MeshedSurface< face > &surf)MeshedSurface< face >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::swap(PrimitivePatch &)=deletePrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
List< face >::swap(UList< face > &list)UList< face >inline
swapFaces(List< face > &faces)MeshedSurface< face >
swapFirst(const label i)UList< face >
swapLast(const label i)UList< face >
swapPoints(pointField &points)MeshedSurface< face >
test(const label i) constUList< face >inline
transcribe(MeshedSurface< face > &surf)MeshedSurface< face >protected
transcribe(MeshedSurface< face > &surf)MeshedSurface< face >protected
transcribe(MeshedSurface< face > &surf)MeshedSurface< face >protected
transcribe(MeshedSurface< face > &surf)MeshedSurface< face >protected
transfer(pointField &pointLst, List< face > &faceLst)MeshedSurface< face >
transfer(MeshedSurface< face > &surf)MeshedSurface< face >
transfer(UnsortedMeshedSurface< face > &surf)MeshedSurface< face >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::transfer(List< face > &list)List< face >
PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >::transfer(DynamicList< face, SizeMin > &list)List< face >
triangulate()MeshedSurface< face >virtual
triangulate(labelList &faceMap)MeshedSurface< face >virtual
UList(const UList< face > &)=defaultUList< face >
UList() noexceptUList< face >inline
UList(face *__restrict__ v, const label len) noexceptUList< face >inline
uniform() constUList< face >inline
uniqBoundaryFaces() constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
unset(const label i)UList< face >inline
validateRange(const labelRange &requestedRange) constUList< face >protected
value_type typedefUList< face >
whichEdge(const edge &e) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >inline
whichPoint(const label gp) constPrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >
write(const fileName &name, const MeshedSurface< face > &surf, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const dictionary &options=dictionary::null)MeshedSurface< face >static
write(const fileName &name, const word &fileType, const MeshedSurface< face > &surf, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const dictionary &options=dictionary::null)MeshedSurface< face >static
write(const fileName &name, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const dictionary &options=dictionary::null) constMeshedSurface< face >inlinevirtual
write(const fileName &name, const word &fileType, IOstreamOption streamOpt=IOstreamOption(), const dictionary &options=dictionary::null) constMeshedSurface< face >inlinevirtual
write(const Time &runTime, const word &surfName=word::null) constMeshedSurface< face >
writeEntry(Ostream &os) constUList< face >protected
writeEntry(const word &keyword, Ostream &os) constUList< face >
writeEntry(Ostream &os) constUList< face >protected
writeEntry(Ostream &os) constUList< face >protected
writeList(Ostream &os, const label shortLen=0) constUList< face >
writeList(Ostream &os, const label) constUList< face >
writeList(Ostream &os, const label) constUList< face >
writeStats(Ostream &os) constMeshedSurface< face >
writeTypes()MeshedSurface< face >static
~List()List< face >
~MeshedSurface()MeshedSurface< face >virtual
~PrimitivePatch()PrimitivePatch<::Foam::List< face >, pointField >virtual