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Matrix.C File Reference
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 Namespace for OpenFOAM.


template<class Form , class Type >
const Type & max (const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat)
 Find max value in Matrix. More...
template<class Form , class Type >
const Type & min (const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat)
 Find min value in Matrix. More...
template<class Form , class Type >
MinMax< Type > minMax (const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat)
 Find the min/max values of Matrix. More...
template<class Form , class Type >
Form operator- (const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat)
 Matrix negation. More...
template<class Form1 , class Form2 , class Type >
Form1 operator+ (const Matrix< Form1, Type > &A, const Matrix< Form2, Type > &B)
 Matrix addition. Returns Matrix of the same form as the first parameter. More...
template<class Form1 , class Form2 , class Type >
Form1 operator- (const Matrix< Form1, Type > &A, const Matrix< Form2, Type > &B)
 Matrix subtraction. Returns Matrix of the same form as the first parameter. More...
template<class Form , class Type >
Form operator* (const Type &s, const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat)
 Scalar multiplication of Matrix. More...
template<class Form , class Type >
Form operator* (const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat, const Type &s)
 Scalar multiplication of Matrix. More...
template<class Form , class Type >
Form operator+ (const Type &s, const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat)
 Scalar addition of Matrix. More...
template<class Form , class Type >
Form operator+ (const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat, const Type &s)
 Scalar addition of Matrix. More...
template<class Form , class Type >
Form operator- (const Type &s, const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat)
 Scalar subtraction of Matrix. More...
template<class Form , class Type >
Form operator- (const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat, const Type &s)
 Scalar subtraction of Matrix. More...
template<class Form , class Type >
Form operator/ (const Matrix< Form, Type > &mat, const Type &s)
 Scalar division of Matrix. More...
template<class Form1 , class Form2 , class Type >
typeOfInnerProduct< Type, Form1, Form2 >::type operator* (const Matrix< Form1, Type > &A, const Matrix< Form2, Type > &B)
 Matrix-Matrix multiplication using ikj-algorithm. More...
template<class Form1 , class Form2 , class Type >
typeOfInnerProduct< Type, Form1, Form2 >::type operator & (const Matrix< Form1, Type > &AT, const Matrix< Form2, Type > &B)
 Implicit inner product of Matrix-Matrix, equivalent to A.T()*B. More...
template<class Form1 , class Form2 , class Type >
typeOfInnerProduct< Type, Form1, Form2 >::type operator^ (const Matrix< Form1, Type > &A, const Matrix< Form2, Type > &BT)
 Implicit outer product of Matrix-Matrix, equivalent to A*B.T() More...

Detailed Description

Original source file Matrix.C

Definition in file Matrix.C.