viewFactorsGen.C File Reference

This view factors generation application uses a combined approach of double area integral (2AI) and double linear integral (2LI). 2AI is used when the two surfaces are 'far' apart and 2LI when they are 'close'. 2LI is integrated along edges using Gaussian quadrature. The distance between faces is calculating a ratio between averaged areas and the distance between face centres. More...

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Detailed Description

This view factors generation application uses a combined approach of double area integral (2AI) and double linear integral (2LI). 2AI is used when the two surfaces are 'far' apart and 2LI when they are 'close'. 2LI is integrated along edges using Gaussian quadrature. The distance between faces is calculating a ratio between averaged areas and the distance between face centres.

Original source file viewFactorsGen.C

The input from viewFactorsDict are:

GaussQuadTol 0.1; // GaussQuad error distTol 8; // R/Average(rm) alpha 0.22; // Use for common edges for 2LI

For debugging purposes, the following entries can be set in viewFactorsDict:

writeViewFactorMatrix true; writeFacesAgglomeration false; dumpRays false;

writeViewFactorMatrix writes the sum of the VF on each face. writeFacesAgglomeration writes the agglomeration dumpRays dumps rays

The participating patches in the VF calculation have to be in the 'viewFactorWall' patch group (in the polyMesh/boundary file), e.g.

floor { type wall; inGroups 2(wall viewFactorWall); nFaces 100; startFace 3100; }

Compile with -DNO_CGAL only if no CGAL present - CGAL AABB tree performs better than the built-in octree.

Definition in file viewFactorsGen.C.