Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "scalar.H"
4 namespace Foam
5 {
6  // Forward Declarations
7  class polyMesh;
8  class pointSet;
9  class faceSet;
10  class cellSet;
11  class fileName;
12  class polyMesh;
13  class coordSetWriter;
14  class surfaceWriter;
16  void printMeshStats(const polyMesh& mesh, const bool allTopology);
18  //- Generate merged surface on master and write. Needs input patch
19  // to be of mesh faces.
20  void mergeAndWrite
21  (
22  const polyMesh& mesh,
23  surfaceWriter& writer,
24  const word& name,
25  const indirectPrimitivePatch& setPatch,
26  const fileName& outputDir
27  );
29  //- Write vtk representation of (assembled) faceSet to surface file in
30  // postProcessing/ directory
31  void mergeAndWrite(surfaceWriter& writer, const faceSet& set);
33  //- Write vtk representation of (assembled) cellSet to surface file in
34  // postProcessing/ directory
35  void mergeAndWrite(surfaceWriter& writer, const cellSet& set);
37  //- Write vtk representation of (assembled) pointSet to 'set' file in
38  // postProcessing/ directory
39  void mergeAndWrite(coordSetWriter& writer, const pointSet& set);
40 }
43 // ************************************************************************* //
void mergeAndWrite(const polyMesh &mesh, surfaceWriter &writer, const word &name, const indirectPrimitivePatch &setPatch, const fileName &outputDir)
Generate merged surface on master and write. Needs input patch.
PrimitivePatch< IndirectList< face >, const pointField & > indirectPrimitivePatch
A PrimitivePatch with an IndirectList for the faces, const reference for the point field...
dynamicFvMesh & mesh
word name(const expressions::valueTypeCode typeCode)
A word representation of a valueTypeCode. Empty for INVALID.
Definition: exprTraits.C:52
vtk::internalMeshWriter writer(topoMesh, topoCells, vtk::formatType::INLINE_ASCII, runTime.path()/"blockTopology")
void printMeshStats(const polyMesh &mesh, const bool allTopology)
Namespace for OpenFOAM.